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Adult life groups

We have three groups that meet, each creating community for those in a different life stage. Each group meets up to explore the Bible and share life with each other, as well as other social events. 

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Young Adults' life group

When: Every Tuesday, 6:30pm

Where: Someone's house

Who for: Ages 18-35

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Older Adults' life group

When: Wednesdays, 2:15pm or 7:30pm alternating

Where: Church building

Who for: Mainly ages 36+, youngers also welcome


Monday Fellowship

When: First Monday of the month, usually 2pm

Where: Church building

Who for: Mainly ages 65+, youngers also welcome

Church isn't just for Sundays

We love meeting together to worship and study the Bible together on Sunday mornings. But church is about so much more than an hour every week.

Our goal is to provide family and community for those at every life stage. We invite you to come along and get involved!

Children & youth

Children and youth are an important part of our family, so there are activities for them too.

Children's Zoom

When: Most Wednesday evenings at 7pm

Where: Online (on Zoom)

Who for: Ages 7-11

Youth life group

When: Usually on Wednesday, currently looking for a leader

Where: Church building

Who for: Ages 12-18

Sunday School

When: Sundays during 10:45am service

Where: Church building

Who for: Ages 3-6 and 7-11

Get in touch with us

Please reach out if you have questions about any of our groups or church activities! We'll be more than happy to share information and help you to get involved.

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